Being a hairdresser is such a wonderful job!!! It becomes a huge part of who you are. Some of my most treasured friendships today began with clients. I have learned a little bit of a lot of different things from so many people of all ages; my clients have taught me so much about life. Clients come and go over the years for many reasons, and some are like permanent tattoos.
The Clients that have always made the biggest impact on my life are the ones who shared their recipes with me. They are the ones that taught me to cook!!!
All the recipes that I will share with you over time I dedicate to David – the beautiful man that I ate sticky date pudding with every Friday.
Please feel free to comment on The Palladeum Hair Facebook page, to say what you think of these recipes, your feedback is always gratefully appreciated.
Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Soup
1 big brown onion
1 sweet potato
1 Queensland blue pumpkin (only because QLD is my favourite place)
1 pkt Continental French onion soup
sea salt and black pepper
Boil all together in a saucepan topped with water until soft, mix in blender to smooth, then all you have to do is walk down to Queen Street, pick up some warm bread at the Red Door Bakery and lunch is served!
However, soup is not a practical lunch choice for hairdressers, every time I brought this soup to work for lunch I would get to eat one or two spoonful’s warm, and then by the time I got back to finish my soup it was stone cold every single time! Hairdressers eat on the run of course and would put a Red Door Bakery pie in a blender and drink it straight down the hatch if possible…
Christmas Recipes
A Christmas List – Anonymous
"Fear less, hope more;
Eat less, chew more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things will be yours."
We all know how busy a hairdresser is Christmas week! making everyone look fabulous for one of the most important magical festivals of the year.
The adrenalin of a hairdresser in my experience, is equivalent to a formula 1 Racing Car Driver, by Christmas Eve the only way to calm the adrenalin is to go to the local pub and drink like a fish for a few hours, till your body falls in a heap and forces you to retire for the evening early, then you lay in bed thinking, ‘I can’t believe I got through that week and I still managed to eat a few times, can’t wait to lay on a banana lounge all day tomorrow at my parents house.’ Oh and of course, “ I have the most amazing and rewarding job in the World”!

Christmas Rice Salad
1 Cup of cooked brown rice
1 Red Capsicum – diced small
6 Spring Onions – chopped small
¼ Cup of Currants
60 g Roasted Cashews – crush up a little
1/3 Cup Toasted Sunflower Seeds or Pinenuts
½ Cup Fresh Parsley
6 Tablespoons of Soy Sauce
¼ Cup of Sunflower Oil
2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
1 Clove of Crushed Garlic
Salt and Pepper to taste (not the band)
Mary’s Ham Glaze
Mary would come into the salon once a week for a Blowdry, it was the only time in her busy life that she would be able to relax, and treasure the next 45 minutes to herself. I always enjoyed styling Mary’s Hair for her, knowing that whatever style I created would last her all week.
½ Cup Honey
3 Teaspoons of French Mustard
2 Tablespoons Sherry
2 Teaspoons Soy Sauce
¼ Cup of Brown Sugar
Five Cup Slice
1 cup of Coconut
1 cup of Condensed Milk
1 cup of Unsalted Peanuts
1 cup Choc Bites
½ cup Sultanas
½ cup Dried Apricots-chopped
Mix all the ingredients together in a Tupperware bowl, press into a slice tin lined with Glad Bake. Cook in a moderate oven covered in foil for 15mins, then remove the foil and cook for a further 15 minutes, once cool melt dark cooking chocolate and drizzle over the whole slice, cut into small pieces once set and hand it out to your favourite relatives on Christmas Day.

Gioia’s Avacado Dip
2 Avocado
In a Tupperware bowl mash avocados, mix in the lemon juice, sour cream, salt & pepper and dash of Tabasco sauce. Next, mix in chopped tomatoes and fresh coriander, mix gently all together to make a dip. Chill in the fridge, when you are ready to eat, serve with your favourite corn chips.
Tip: Avacado’s don’t ripen up when kept in the fridge ( I found this out the hard way).
When I was younger I styled a lovely elderly ladies hair at her home every Tuesday, she would have avocado sandwiches for lunch every time, as she watched everything I did to her hair in her little compact mirror. She was so adorable…
Now everywhere I turn people are eating Avocado’s and trying to grow their own trees (which you need 2 of, to be successful at that one)… I have had this recipe for 7 years and hardly ever used it till now, and it’s the first time I have spelt Gioia’s name right in 7 years xxxxx
Love mesh

Love Mesh

'Throw Together' Log Slice
When I opened my first salon I had so much energy! Amazing to look back now. I was seen and heard, there was champagne everywhere. I also had to do everything myself in business (not that I’m a control freak or anything!), which included making the salon biscuits. I would make them up in between clients in the staff kitchen (all my staff mastered the art of this recipe). They were such a huge hit that I decided to write the recipe on the back of our price list, after I got writer’s cramp writing it out for my clients ten times a day...
1 pkt of Yoyo biscuits
250gm pkt Nestles white choc bits
200gm pkt Angus Park diced dried apricots
150gms crushed peanuts
1 cup shredded coconut
1 tin sweetened condensed milk
Place the biscuits in a bag, back then it was a Coles plastic shopping bag, now days it’s a recycled bag (of course). Wrap the bag inside a tea towel. Put the bag of biscuits under the back wheel of your car and drive over them back and forth about five times, (till they are crushed into tiny pieces).Then go back inside your house all dignified as if nothing happened, just ignore the neighbours. In a large bowl (preferably Tupperware) add all the ingredients together and mix well with a wooden spoon.
Roll a handful of mixture on the bench with coconut underneath to stop it from sticking to the bench. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty here… Roll out into a log about the width of a twenty cent piece. Sprinkle more coconut over the log, then wrap tight into a piece of foil, sealing the ends.
Makes about 5 logs, Keep stored in the Freezer.
When you have those unexpected guests on a lazy Sunday afternoon, just whip a log out of the freezer, slice it up on a fancy plate, and serve it to your friends with a pot of Earl Grey Tea.
Mix it up a bit:
try using Chocolate Ripple Biscuits, Crushed Crown mints, mini marshmallows, other types of nuts.
Recipe originally founded from a very good friends mother-in-law
Love Mesh x
The Clients that have always made the biggest impact on my life are the ones who shared their recipes with me. They are the ones that taught me to cook!!!
All the recipes that I will share with you over time I dedicate to David – the beautiful man that I ate sticky date pudding with every Friday.
Please feel free to comment on The Palladeum Hair Facebook page, to say what you think of these recipes, your feedback is always gratefully appreciated.
Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Soup
1 big brown onion
1 sweet potato
1 Queensland blue pumpkin (only because QLD is my favourite place)
1 pkt Continental French onion soup
sea salt and black pepper
Boil all together in a saucepan topped with water until soft, mix in blender to smooth, then all you have to do is walk down to Queen Street, pick up some warm bread at the Red Door Bakery and lunch is served!
However, soup is not a practical lunch choice for hairdressers, every time I brought this soup to work for lunch I would get to eat one or two spoonful’s warm, and then by the time I got back to finish my soup it was stone cold every single time! Hairdressers eat on the run of course and would put a Red Door Bakery pie in a blender and drink it straight down the hatch if possible…
Christmas Recipes
A Christmas List – Anonymous
"Fear less, hope more;
Eat less, chew more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things will be yours."
We all know how busy a hairdresser is Christmas week! making everyone look fabulous for one of the most important magical festivals of the year.
The adrenalin of a hairdresser in my experience, is equivalent to a formula 1 Racing Car Driver, by Christmas Eve the only way to calm the adrenalin is to go to the local pub and drink like a fish for a few hours, till your body falls in a heap and forces you to retire for the evening early, then you lay in bed thinking, ‘I can’t believe I got through that week and I still managed to eat a few times, can’t wait to lay on a banana lounge all day tomorrow at my parents house.’ Oh and of course, “ I have the most amazing and rewarding job in the World”!

Christmas Rice Salad
1 Cup of cooked brown rice
1 Red Capsicum – diced small
6 Spring Onions – chopped small
¼ Cup of Currants
60 g Roasted Cashews – crush up a little
1/3 Cup Toasted Sunflower Seeds or Pinenuts
½ Cup Fresh Parsley
6 Tablespoons of Soy Sauce
¼ Cup of Sunflower Oil
2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
1 Clove of Crushed Garlic
Salt and Pepper to taste (not the band)
Mary’s Ham Glaze
Mary would come into the salon once a week for a Blowdry, it was the only time in her busy life that she would be able to relax, and treasure the next 45 minutes to herself. I always enjoyed styling Mary’s Hair for her, knowing that whatever style I created would last her all week.
½ Cup Honey
3 Teaspoons of French Mustard
2 Tablespoons Sherry
2 Teaspoons Soy Sauce
¼ Cup of Brown Sugar
Five Cup Slice
1 cup of Coconut
1 cup of Condensed Milk
1 cup of Unsalted Peanuts
1 cup Choc Bites
½ cup Sultanas
½ cup Dried Apricots-chopped
Mix all the ingredients together in a Tupperware bowl, press into a slice tin lined with Glad Bake. Cook in a moderate oven covered in foil for 15mins, then remove the foil and cook for a further 15 minutes, once cool melt dark cooking chocolate and drizzle over the whole slice, cut into small pieces once set and hand it out to your favourite relatives on Christmas Day.

Gioia’s Avacado Dip
2 Avocado
½ Juice of a Lemon or Lime
2 Tbs Sour Cream
1 Tomato
2 Tbs Fresh Coriander
Tabasco Sauce
Salt & Pepper
In a Tupperware bowl mash avocados, mix in the lemon juice, sour cream, salt & pepper and dash of Tabasco sauce. Next, mix in chopped tomatoes and fresh coriander, mix gently all together to make a dip. Chill in the fridge, when you are ready to eat, serve with your favourite corn chips.
Tip: Avacado’s don’t ripen up when kept in the fridge ( I found this out the hard way).
When I was younger I styled a lovely elderly ladies hair at her home every Tuesday, she would have avocado sandwiches for lunch every time, as she watched everything I did to her hair in her little compact mirror. She was so adorable…
Now everywhere I turn people are eating Avocado’s and trying to grow their own trees (which you need 2 of, to be successful at that one)… I have had this recipe for 7 years and hardly ever used it till now, and it’s the first time I have spelt Gioia’s name right in 7 years xxxxx
Love mesh

Roma tomatoes
Red and yellow capsicum
Red Spanish Onion
Fresh Basil
2 Cloves of Garlic
Balsamic vinegar Dressing
(It's truly wonderful living just around the corner from the Red Door Bakery, it’s one of the hidden gems of Queen Street. After only a year of trading you already have to line up to get in the door – it’s awesome…)
Slice the bread and grill or toast it, cut up the tomatoes, capsicum and red onion into small pieces and crush the garlic, mix all together in a tupperware bowl, (I always wear my swimming goggles when I cut up onions…). Mix in 1-2 teaspoons of the balsamic vinegar dressing, place mixture on top of the toasted bread and put back under the grill to warm up for one minute, with the fresh basil on top. Eat it while its warm… don’t walk off to do something else and forget to eat it…
This recipe was given to me from one of the Greats!!! Its what I call ‘my all time clients of gold’, a lady that has inspired me in so many ways, and would come with a new recipe or creative home idea every time I did her hair, she is basically the one who turned me from a young girl into a woman.
This recipe was given to me from one of the Greats!!! Its what I call ‘my all time clients of gold’, a lady that has inspired me in so many ways, and would come with a new recipe or creative home idea every time I did her hair, she is basically the one who turned me from a young girl into a woman.
Love Mesh

'Throw Together' Log Slice
When I opened my first salon I had so much energy! Amazing to look back now. I was seen and heard, there was champagne everywhere. I also had to do everything myself in business (not that I’m a control freak or anything!), which included making the salon biscuits. I would make them up in between clients in the staff kitchen (all my staff mastered the art of this recipe). They were such a huge hit that I decided to write the recipe on the back of our price list, after I got writer’s cramp writing it out for my clients ten times a day...
1 pkt of Yoyo biscuits
250gm pkt Nestles white choc bits
200gm pkt Angus Park diced dried apricots
150gms crushed peanuts
1 cup shredded coconut
1 tin sweetened condensed milk
Place the biscuits in a bag, back then it was a Coles plastic shopping bag, now days it’s a recycled bag (of course). Wrap the bag inside a tea towel. Put the bag of biscuits under the back wheel of your car and drive over them back and forth about five times, (till they are crushed into tiny pieces).Then go back inside your house all dignified as if nothing happened, just ignore the neighbours. In a large bowl (preferably Tupperware) add all the ingredients together and mix well with a wooden spoon.
Roll a handful of mixture on the bench with coconut underneath to stop it from sticking to the bench. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty here… Roll out into a log about the width of a twenty cent piece. Sprinkle more coconut over the log, then wrap tight into a piece of foil, sealing the ends.
Makes about 5 logs, Keep stored in the Freezer.
When you have those unexpected guests on a lazy Sunday afternoon, just whip a log out of the freezer, slice it up on a fancy plate, and serve it to your friends with a pot of Earl Grey Tea.
Mix it up a bit:
try using Chocolate Ripple Biscuits, Crushed Crown mints, mini marshmallows, other types of nuts.
Recipe originally founded from a very good friends mother-in-law
Love Mesh x